200 Most Common Nepali Names That You Must Have Heard

The Most Common Nepali Names and Their Meanings
Have you ever been confused when someone calls out your name, but it turns out they’re talking to someone else with the same name? It can be a bit tricky, right? Well, you’re not alone. Imagine being in school, and the teacher says a popular name, and suddenly, more than one student responds! Or think about your phone’s contact list—have you ever had names that are the same, and you’re not sure who’s who?
And here’s another funny thing: have you ever been in a public place, and you hear someone calling your name, but it’s not actually meant for you? Well, guess what? This happens when you have one of the most common names.
Now, if you’re curious to know what those common names are, you’re in for a treat! We’ve got a list of both common Nepali names for girls and boys. So, if you’re ready, let’s dive right in and discover these names together!
Table of Contents
Common Nepali Names – Girls

Common Nepali Girls Names | Meanings |
Aarati (आरती) | Devotional ritual (भक्तिपूर्ण अनुष्ठान) |
Anisha (अनिशा) | Unending (अनन्त) |
Anita (अनिता) | Grace (कृपा) |
Anjali (अञ्जली) | Offering (योग्य आहुति) |
Anju (अञ्जु) | Blessing (आशीर्वाद) |
Ankita (अंकिता) | Marked (चिन्हित) |
Anu (अनु) | Continuous (सतत) |
Aruna (अरुणा) | Dawn (प्रातःकाल) |
Asha (आशा) | Hope (आशा) |
Ashmita (आश्मिता) | Pride (गर्व) |
Bandana (बन्धना) | Worship (पूजा) |
Barsha (बर्षा) | Rain (पानी पर्ने बर्षा) |
Basanti (बसन्ती) | Spring (वसन्त) |
Bhagwati (भगवती) | Goddess (देवी) |
Bhawana (भवना) | Feelings (भावना) |
Bina (बिना) | Melodious (सुरीलो) |
Binita (बिनिता) | Modest (लज्जाशील) |
Devika (देविका) | Little goddess (छोटी देवी) |
Dibya (दिव्या) | Divine (दिव्य) |
Dipa (दिपा) | Lamp (बत्ती) |
Dipika (दीपिका) | Lamp (बत्ती) |
Durga (दुर्गा) | Goddess Durga (देवी दुर्गा) |
Elina (एलिना) | Pure (शुद्ध) |
Esha (एषा) | Desire (इच्छा) |
Fulmaya (फूलमाया) | Flower of love (मायाको फूल) |
Ganga (गंगा) | Holy river (पवित्र नदी) |
Gauri (गौरी) | Fair-skinned (फर्किने) |
Gita (गीता) | Song (गीत) |
Goma (गोमा) | Goddess Parvati (देवी पार्वती) |
Indira (इन्दिरा) | Beauty (सुन्दरता) |
Indu (इन्दु) | Moon (चन्द्रमा) |
Jyoti (ज्योति) | Light (प्रकाश) |
Kamala (कमला) | Lotus (कमल) |
Kanchan (कन्चन) | Gold (सुन) |
Karishma (करिश्मा) | Miracle (चमत्कार) |
Kusum (कुसुम) | Flower (फूल) |
Laxmi (लक्ष्मी) | Goddess of wealth (धन की देवी) |
Manisha (मनीषा) | Wise (बुद्धिमान) |
Maya (माया) | Illusion (मोहमा) |
Mina (मिना) | Fish (माछा) |
Neelam (नीलम) | Sapphire (नीलम) |
Neha (नेहा) | Love (माया) |
Niruta (निरुता) | Beautiful painting (सुन्दर चित्रकला) |
Nisha (निशा) | Night (रात) |
Padma (पद्मा) | Lotus (कमल) |
Pallavi (पल्लवी) | New leaves (नयाँ पात) |
Parvati (पार्वती) | Goddess Parvati (देवी पार्वती) |
Pooja (पूजा) | Worship (पूजा) |
Poonam (पूनम) | Full moon (पुर्णिमा) |
Prabha (प्रभा) | Radiance (प्रकाश) |
Prabina (प्रबिना) | Expert (विशेषज्ञ) |
Pragya (प्रज्ञा) | Wisdom (ज्ञान) |
Prakriti (प्रकृति) | Nature (प्रकृति) |
Pramila (प्रमिला) | First woman (पहिलो महिला) |
Pratima (प्रतिमा) | Idol (प्रतिमा) |
Priya (प्रिया) | Beloved (प्रिय) |
Purnima (पूर्णिमा) | Full moon (पूर्णिमा) |
Rachana (रचना) | Creation (सृजना) |
Radha (राधा) | Lord Krishna’s beloved (भगवान कृष्णकी प्रिय) |
Radhika (राधिका) | Successful (सफल) |
Rani (रानी) | Queen (रानी) |
Rashmi (रश्मि) | Ray of light (प्रकाशकिरण) |
Reecha (रीचा) | Art (कला) |
Rekha (रेखा) | Line (रेखा) |
Reshma (रेशमा) | Silk (रेशम) |
Rita (रिता) | Honest (ईमानदार) |
Ritu (रितु) | Season (मौसम) |
Rojina (रोजिना) | Bright (तेज) |
Roshani (रोशनी) | Light (प्रकाश) |
Sabina (सबिना) | Beautiful (सुन्दर) |
Sabita (सबिता) | Beautiful sunshine (सुन्दर सूर्यकिरण) |
Saloni (सलोनी) | Beautiful (सुन्दर) |
Samjhana (सम्झना) | Understanding (समझ) |
Sangeeta (संगीता) | Music (संगीत) |
Saraswati (सरस्वती) | Goddess of knowledge (ज्ञानकी देवी) |
Sarika (सारिका) | A bird (पक्षी) |
Saroj (सरोज) | Lotus (कमल) |
Shanta (शान्ता) | Peaceful (शान्त) |
Shanti (शान्ति) | Peace (शान्ति) |
Sharada (शारदा) | Goddess of learning (शिक्षाकी देवी) |
Sharmila (शर्मिला) | Shy (लाज लाग्दा) |
Shruti (श्रुति) | Musical notes (संगीतिक नोट) |
Simran (सिम्रान) | Meditation (ध्यान) |
Sita (सीता) | Goddess Sita, wife of Lord Rama (भगवान रामकी पत्नी सीता) |
Sneha (स्नेहा) | Affection (स्नेह) |
Soniya (सोनिया) | Golden (सुनिको) |
Srijana (सृजना) | Creation (नयाँ कुरा सिर्जना) |
Subina (सुबिना) | Good girl (राम्री केटी) |
Sujata (सुजाता) | Well-born (सुतिया) |
Sumnima (सुम्निमा) | Beautiful night (सुन्दर रात) |
Sunita (सुनिता) | Well-behaved (सुशिक्षित) |
Supriya (सुप्रिया) | Beloved (प्रिय) |
Surabhi (सुरभि) | Fragrance (सुगंध) |
Sushila (सुशीला) | Well-behaved (सुशिक्षित) |
Sushma (सुष्मा) | Beautiful (सुन्दर) |
Sweta (स्वेता) | Fair (गोरो) |
Tara (तारा) | Star (तारा) |
Uma (उमा) | Goddess Parvati (देवी पार्वती) |
Usha (उषा) | Dawn (प्रातःकाल) |
Vidya (विद्या) | Knowledge (ज्ञान) |
Common Nepali Names – Boys

Common Nepali Boys Names | Meanings |
Abhishek (अभिषेक) | Coronation (राजतिलक) |
Ajay (अजय) | Unconquered (जित्न सक्ने) |
Alok (आलोक) | Light (प्रकाश) |
Amar (अमर) | Immortal (अमर) |
Anand (आनन्द) | Joy (खुशी) |
Anil (अनिल) | Wind (हावा) |
Arjun (अर्जुन) | Bright (उज्ज्वल) |
Ashish (आशिष) | Blessing (आशिर्वाद) |
Ashok (अशोक) | Without sorrow (दुखरहित) |
Avinash (अविनाश) | Indestructible (नष्ट नहुने) |
Babu (बाबु) | Affectionate term (स्नेहपूर्ण शब्द) |
Bahadur (बहादुर) | Brave (साहसी) |
Bhagvat (भगवत) | Devotee of God (भगवानको भक्त) |
Bhuwan (भुवन) | World (संसार) |
Bibek (विवेक) | Discrimination (विवेक) |
Bijaya (विजय) | Victory (विजय) |
Bikash (बिकाश) | Development (विकास) |
Bikram (विक्रम) | Heroic (वीर) |
Binod (बिनोद) | Joy (आनन्द) |
Bipin (विपिन) | Forest (वन) |
Birat (विराट) | Large (ठूलो) |
Birendra (विरेन्द्र) | King of warriors (योद्धाहरूको राजा) |
Bishal (बिशाल) | Great (महत्त्वपूर्ण) |
Bishnu (विष्णु) | Lord Vishnu (भगवान विष्णु) |
Chandra (चन्द्र) | Moon (चन्द्रमा) |
Chetan (चेतन) | Conscious (जागरूक) |
Deepak (दीपक) | Lamp (बत्ती) |
Devendra (देवेन्द्र) | King of gods (देवताको राजा) |
Dhiraj (धीरज) | Patience (धैर्य) |
Dikshant (दिक्षान्त) | Initiation (प्रारम्भ) |
Dinesh (दिनेश) | Sun (सूर्य) |
Dipak (दीपक) | Lamp (बत्ती) |
Dipendra (दिपेन्द्र) | Lamp of Indra (इन्द्रको बत्ती) |
Ganesh (गणेश) | Lord Ganesh (भगवान गणेश) |
Gopal (गोपाल) | Protector of cows (गाईको संरक्षक) |
Govinda (गोविन्द) | Lord Krishna (भगवान कृष्ण) |
Hari (हरि) | God Vishnu (भगवान विष्णु) |
Hemant (हेमन्त) | Winter (सित) |
Indra (इन्द्र) | King of gods (देवताको राजा) |
Jagat (जगत) | World (संसार) |
Jagdish (जगदीश) | Lord of the world (संसारको भगवान) |
Janak (जनक) | Father of Sita (सीताको बा) |
Jeevan (जीवन) | Life (जीवन) |
Jivan (जीवन) | Life (जीवन) |
Kamal (कमल) | Lotus (कमल) |
Kedar (केदार) | Name of a place (स्थलको नाम) |
Keshav (केशव) | Another name for Lord Krishna (भगवान कृष्णको अर्को नाम) |
Kiran (किरण) | Ray of light (प्रकाशकिरण) |
Krishna (कृष्ण) | Lord Krishna (भगवान कृष्ण) |
Kuber (कुबेर) | God of wealth (धनको देवता) |
Kumar (कुमार) | Prince (राजकुमार) |
Lale (लाले) | Beloved (प्रिय) |
Lalit (ललित) | Beautiful (सुन्दर) |
Lokesh (लोकेश) | Lord of the world (संसारको भगवान) |
Madan (मदन) | Cupid (कामदेव) |
Mahendra (महेन्द्र) | Great Indra (महान इन्द्र) |
Mahesh (महेश) | Lord Shiva (भगवान शिव) |
Manish (मनिष) | Wise (बुद्धिमान) |
Manoj (मनोज) | Born of the mind (मनको उत्पन्न) |
Mohan (मोहन) | Charming (मोहक) |
Nabin (नविन) | New (नयाँ) |
Narayan (नारायण) | Lord Vishnu (भगवान विष्णु) |
Naresh (नरेश) | King of men (मानिसहरूको राजा) |
Niraj (निरज) | Lotus (कमल) |
Nitesh (नितेश) | Heart of justice (न्यायको हृदय) |
Omkar (ओमकार) | Divine sound (दिव्य ध्वनि) |
Pawan (पवन) | Wind (वायु) |
Prabin (प्रविण) | Skilled (कुशल) |
Pradeep (प्रदीप) | Lamp (बत्ती) |
Prakash (प्रकाश) | Light (प्रकाश) |
Pramod (प्रमोद) | Joy (खुशी) |
Prem (प्रेम) | Love (माया) |
Rabin (रविन) | Sun (सूर्य) |
Rajan (राजन) | King (राजा) |
Rajendra (राजेन्द्र) | King of kings (राजाहरूको राजा) |
Rajesh (राजेश) | King (राजा) |
Rakesh (राकेश) | Lord of the night (रातको भगवान) |
Ram (राम) | Lord Rama (भगवान राम) |
Ramesh (रमेश) | Lord Rama (भगवान राम) |
Ravi (रवि) | Sun (सूर्य) |
Rohan (रोहन) | Ascending (उच्चरण) |
Roshan (रोशन) | Bright (तेज) |
Sabin (सबिन) | Sabine (साबिन) |
Sachin (सचिन) | Pure (शुद्ध) |
Sagar (सागर) | Ocean (समुद्र) |
Sanjay (सञ्जय) | Triumphant (विजयी) |
Santosh (संतोष) | Contentment (संतोष) |
Shiva (शिव) | Lord Shiva (भगवान शिव) |
Shyam (श्याम) | Dark-skinned (कालो चर्मी) |
Siddhartha (सिद्धार्थ) | One who attains enlightenment (बोधिसत्त्व) |
Subash (सुवास) | Good fragrance (राम्रो गन्ध) |
Sujan (सुजन) | Good person (राम्रो व्यक्ति) |
Sunil (सुनिल) | Dark-blue (गाढा निलो) |
Surendra (सुरेन्द्र) | King of gods (देवताको राजा) |
Surya (सूर्य) | Sun (सूर्य) |
Sushil (सुशिल) | Well-behaved (सुशिक्षित) |
Tirtha (तीर्थ) | Sacred place (पवित्र स्थल) |
Yuvraj (युवराज) | Crown prince (उपराजा) |
So, you’ve seen a bunch of common Nepali names, right? Sometimes, having a common name can be a bit confusing, like when someone calls your name, and it turns out they’re talking to another person with the same name. But hey, that’s what makes names fun!

Now, here’s a cool thing: do you see your name on our list? If you do, awesome! Let us know in the comments below. And if you don’t, that’s cool too—remember, every name is special. 😊
Oh, and here’s a challenge: share this article with your friends and family and see if anyone you know has a super common name in Nepal. It could be a fun conversation starter! So, go ahead and spread the name love!
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